Photo of attorney Luke Scardigno
Strong Criminal Defense

Experienced, Dedicated And Ready To Protect Your Rights

Second Chance FAQs

I received a summons very recently and my court date has not yet passed. Can I resolve the summons at Second Chance?

No. The Court will only hear summonses with unresolved warrants dated prior to October 20, 2017.

I received a letter in the mail stating that I have a summons warrant. Does this mean that I have to attend Second Chance?

No. You are not required to attend the event, but you received this letter based on records from the Office of Court Administration that show you have an outstanding warrant for an unresolved summons. If you attend, your invitation letter will qualify you for expedited handling of your matter in the onsite courtroom.

I have not received a letter about Second Chance, may I still attend?

Yes. All low-level summons warrants qualify.

I am a Queens resident, but I received a summons in another borough, can I have my warrant cavated at Second Chance?

Yes. All summons warrants issued in New York City qualify. Summons warrant holders from all five boroughs are eligible to come.

I am not a Queens resident and I did not receive my summons in Queens, can I have my warrant cleared at Second Chance?

Yes. All summons warrants issued in New York City qualify.

I have a summons warrant for an offense that is not listed on your flyer, can I still have my warrant cleared at Second Chance?

You may still be able to have your summons warrant addressed at the event. If you are unsure about your summons warrant status, you are welcome to attend the event to receive free legal assistance.

The information on this page was provided by the City of New York.