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Queens Criminal Law Blog

Should I invest in a personal Breathalyzer?

If you sometimes drink alcohol before driving, you might have considered buying a personal Breathalyzer. You can find one on the internet for around $40 upwards. That might seem like a great investment, and if it prevents you from getting arrested for driving while...

Remember this as you leave holiday festivities

Holiday festivities are often filled with alcoholic beverages. While it’s understandable that you would want to enjoy those, it’s crucial that you have a designated driver who can get you home safely. If you’re the one who’s driving others home, be sure you remember...

How can police use a roadside breath test?

People who are pulled over for the suspicion of drunk driving will likely be asked to take a field sobriety test. The police officer may also opt to ask for a roadside breath test so they can try to determine your blood alcohol concentration. The goal of all this is...

What is reasonable suspicion in a DWI case?

Have you ever been pulled over by the police, and when you asked them why, they said, “No reason at all”? It’s not going to happen. The law does not permit police officers to stop people for the hell of it. Hence, if an officer goes on to charge you with driving while...
