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Martin Scorcese’s nephew charged with DUI in New York

On Behalf of | Dec 5, 2016 | DWI

Martin Scorsese’s nephew was charged with a DWI for driving intoxicated in New York on Thanksgiving night. The incident occurred around 11 p.m.

According to authorities, the 41-year-old defendant was pulled over in Oakwood Heights after police spotted him swerving his car through traffic. Officers said his speech was slurred when they spoke with him.

The defendant was reportedly transported to Staten Island University Hospital in Ocean Breeze to be treated for drug use. According to a police spokesperson, he was later charged with operating a motor vehicle while under the influence.

This is not the defendant’s first brush with the law. In 2014, he was taken into custody on drug charges. He eventually pleaded guilty to selling a controlled substance and completed drug treatment programs instead of jail. He was also placed on four years’ probation.

New York residents charged with DUI or DWI could face severe consequences if they are convicted. Possible penalties include lengthy prison terms, steep fines and the loss of driving privileges. However, a defendant might be able to help their situation by consulting with a criminal defense attorney. In some cases, an attorney could work to gather evidence that disputes the accuracy of breathalyzer, blood alcohol content or drug tests, which could cause the charges to be dismissed. In other circumstances, an attorney may suggest negotiating with prosecutors for a plea deal that reduces charges in exchange for the defendant’s guilty plea. This may allow the defendant to seek substance abuse treatment or serve community service in lieu of jail time.
