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DWI crackdown in New York nets thousands of tickets

On Behalf of | Jan 10, 2017 | Criminal Defense, DWI

New York takes driving while under the influence (DWI) seriously. State officials showcased this stance recently when they stepped up efforts to enforce DWI laws over the holidays.

According to a piece in The Daily Star, while many were gathering for holiday meals and festivities these efforts by New York’s enforcement officers translated to thousands of DWI tickets.

How many DWI tickets were issued over the holiday season? The efforts were part of the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign and spanned from December 16th through January 1, 2017. During this relatively short period, New York State Police issued 33,153 tickets.

These tickets included 571 arrests for DWI, 11,319 speeding tickets and 1,107 distracted driving violations.

What should I do if I got a DWI? First, it is important to know that you are not alone. A large number of tickets were issued in a short period of time, so a number of drivers are in the same position you are in. However, it is also important that you take the charges seriously. Do not brush them off.

Next, it is important to contact an attorney. A DWI charge begins two different legal processes that must be addressed. The first, and likely most well known, involves criminal charges. This can result in monetary fines and imprisonment. The second involves the Department of Motor Vehicles. Whether the charges move forward or not, the DMV could take away your license. As a result, those facing charges also need to also deal with the DMV.

The stress of dealing with these two processes can be eased by hiring an attorney. a criminal defense lawyer with experience in DWI cases can advocate for your rights, better ensuring a more favorable outcome.
