Seasoned Defense Representation For Violation Of Orders Of Protection
Did a family member or former partner take an order of protection out against you for claims of domestic violence or assault? Then you understand how devastating this can be to you and your family. Is that same person now saying you violated the order of protection? If he or she did, then you can expect a call from a police officer or detective somewhere in the line of “come on down to the precinct, we have to talk.”
At the Law Office of Luke Scardigno, I am dedicated to protecting people accused of order of protection violations in New York. With more than 30 years of experience, I can provide the representation my clients need in domestic violence dispute cases, including cases alleging violations of restraining orders.
Order Of Protection Violation Defenses
Claims of domestic violence often come down to a “he said, she said” argument because judges tend to act on the side of caution. However, an exaggerated description of an incident can lead to significant consequences for the accused. Once an order of protection is in place, the accuser can turn almost any additional argument into a claim that a violation of that order took place, leading to further arrest of the party against whom the order was issued.
If you have been accused of violating a restraining order of protection, there is little use in trying to talk your way out of these situations. You need a criminal defense lawyer or restraining order attorney to protect your rights as soon as you have been accused of violating an order of protection. You need a lawyer who will stand up for you throughout the duration of your case, and even when the case has ended, since issues always arise. I am that attorney who will always return your call.
An accusation of violating an order of protection has serious consequences. Over the 25-plus years, I have defended people against these accusations by uncovering the truth behind the claim and forming strategies to resolve the situation favorably. Sometimes your accuser may have a legitimate reason to claim domestic assault or violence. In these cases, I work with the prosecutor to minimize the consequences as much as possible. In other cases, your accuser may use the accusations to gain an advantage in a situation, such as in a child custody case, or a divorce. I will not let you suffer unfair consequences for another person’s need for control.
Exploring Every Legal Option Regarding Restraining Order Violations
Have you been accused of violating a protection order in Queens, or any New York City borough, or Nassau, Suffolk or Westchester counties? Contact me online or call me at 718-414-6186 right away for a free consultation. I can begin protecting your rights today, and start making your life normal again.
Spanish, Italian and Greek language services are available.