Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney Dedicated To Protecting Your Rights

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What To Expect When You Have Been Arrested

If you or someone you care about was arrested, you probably have many questions. The police may try to interrogate you, or place you in a lineup. You may be confused about the charges they are bringing against you. It can be frustrating and even frightening.

At the Law Office of Luke Scardigno in Queens, I have more than 30 years of experience defending clients against criminal charges in New York. When you have been arrested, I will take the time to explain what will happen and take steps immediately to protect your rights.

What To Expect In The New York Criminal System

Facing criminal charges is never pleasant, but knowing what to expect can make the process much less stressful. As an experienced criminal defense attorney, I am completely familiar with New York’s criminal justice system. I will guide you and your loved ones through the process from beginning to end:

  • If you contact me as soon as you have been arrested, I can keep the police from violating your rights during interrogation, or by putting you in a lineup without your lawyer’s presence.
  • After the police file their paperwork with the district attorney and the court, a bail hearing will be set. I will represent you in this hearing, which is called an arraignment, to seek your immediate release.
  • The next step is strategic negotiation with the district attorney’s office. We will work to make sure that the charges are appropriate and strive to reach a favorable plea bargain, if possible. This can avoid a costly and risky trial.
  • Everyone has at least one court appearance. You and I will meet with the judge and the district attorney to discuss the agreement we have reached (or make determinations about next steps if we did not reach an agreement).
  • If we cannot reach an acceptable agreement, then the case will be scheduled for a pretrial hearing and trial.

By Your Side Throughout The Entire Process

I will be by your side throughout the entire case, from the initial booking and the arraignment hearing, through negotiations and a trial, if necessary. If you have been charged with a violation, misdemeanor or felony in Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, The Bronx or Staten Island, or Nassau or Suffolk County, I will provide the skilled criminal defense you need.

Free Consultation With A Lawyer

Call 718-414-6186, or contact me online to schedule a free and immediate initial consultation regarding your arrest. I will zealously protect your rights and be there for you when you need it most.

Spanish, Italian, and Greek language services are available.