Aggressive Defense For Reckless Driving Charges
What may seem like a minor crime can actually be quite serious. Reckless driving under the New York vehicle and traffic law is actually a crime. It is an unclassified misdemeanor. A conviction of reckless driving will leave you with a criminal record for the rest of your life. Additionally, depending on a number of factors, an individual who is convicted of reckless driving may lose his or her driving privileges and face other serious consequences.
If you have been charged with reckless driving in New York, it is important to speak to a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. You may receive a summons or a ticket to appear in criminal court to answer a reckless driving charge, or you can actually be arrested and held for arraignment to see judge to decide if bail will be set on your case or not.
At the Law Office of Luke Scardigno, I represent people in all of the New York City boroughs; Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, The Bronx and Staten Island. I also handle cases in Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester counties.
A Reckless Driving Charge Is Serious
Points can quickly add up on your license, especially if you have previously received a speeding ticket or other moving violation. If enough points have accumulated, you may lose your license and face large fines and penalties. Reckless driving can add five or more points to your license. Ultimately, your license may be taken away if you receive the required number of points to suspend your license. A reckless driving conviction in New York state is an unclassified misdemeanor under the New York state vehicle and traffic law, and is considered a serious driving offense for DMV purposes. A conviction for reckless driving will leave you with a criminal record.
If you or a loved one, including your child, has been charged with reckless driving, do not wait to take legal action. This can quickly become a complicated matter that affects your ability to drive, your insurance rates, your criminal record and more. I offer a free consultation to discuss your legal options to a reckless driving charge. Do not hesitate to call me in order to discuss how to avoid a reckless driving conviction on your record.
Contact A Reckless Driving Defense Lawyer
To find out how I can help you fight reckless driving charges, protect your license and criminal record and reduce points, please contact my law office for a free and immediate consultation. Call by phone at 718-414-6186 for representation in Queens or any New York City borough, or Nassau, Suffolk or Westchester counties.
Spanish, Italian and Greek language services are available.